Lot 6 Shepherd Drive Rio, IL 61472

Lot 6 Shepherd Drive  Rio IL 61472
Lot 6 Shepherd Drive
Rio, IL 61472
Price: $45,000
Type: Land Lots & Land
Lot Size (Acres): 1.04
Agent: Thomas Knapp
Agent Phone: 309-335-4000
Agent Email: tom@tomknapp.com
Broker: RE/MAX Preferred Properties
Broker Phone: 309-344-5444
Broker Email: tom@tomknapp.com

Country Subdivision Offering Building Lots Available for new residential construction situated in the ROWVA School District. Subdivision features six lake front lots with all lots 1+ acre in size and water supply included. Subdivision is located on the Ontario Blacktop Road offering easy access to Oneida and ROWVA Schools and Galesburg too.

Lot 7 Shepherd Drive Rio, IL 61472

Lot 7 Shepherd Drive  Rio IL 61472
Lot 7 Shepherd Drive
Rio, IL 61472
Price: $45,000
Type: Land Lots & Land
Lot Size (Acres): 1.27
Agent: Thomas Knapp
Agent Phone: 309-335-4000
Agent Email: tom@tomknapp.com
Broker: RE/MAX Preferred Properties
Broker Phone: 309-344-5444
Broker Email: tom@tomknapp.com

Please reach out for more information.