121 MAIN Street  Washington IL 61571

121 MAIN Street Washington, IL 61571

Price Reduced For Sale
121 MAIN Street
Washington, IL 61571
Price: $350,000
Type: Commercial Sale Commercial
Agent: Mark Helmuth
Agent Phone: 309-369-9333
Agent Email: markhelmuth1971@gmail.com
Broker: RE/MAX WRC Downtown
Broker Phone: 309-444-3121
Broker Email: remaxwrcdowntown@gmail.com

NEW PRICE! Commercial building(s) just off the town square in Washington with many possible uses. Currently the 2 buildings have been combined to create one space (approx. 2,184 sq ft main floor). Could be turned back in to 2 store fronts. Each building has a 2 bedroom apartment with kitchen, full bath and living room. North apartment is 785 sq ft and South apartment is 1,018 sq ft. Private parking for each building, in addition to city maintained lots adjacent to the property. This is a very well-maintained property. Updates include, 1 new roof and gutters, vinyl siding, windows, tuck pointing, store front and entry door and more.