15 Old State Capitol Plaza Brochure Space #3 Springfield IL 62701

15 Old State Capitol Plaza Brochure Space #3 Springfield, IL 62701

For Rent
15 Old State Capitol Plaza Brochure Space #3
Springfield, IL 62701
Price: $9 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Agent: Todd Smith
Agent Phone: 217-553-5439
Agent Email: todd@tpsmithre.com
Broker: Todd P Smith Real Estate
Broker Phone: 217-441-8000
Broker Email: todd@tpsmithre.com

Downtown office space located on the SW corner of the Old State Capitol Plaza. Front door is just a few steps down the pedestrian mall from the access to the underground parking ramp. On-street parking is available on 5th St as well. “Space 3” is a 3-room office just inside the front door, with windows on 5th Street. Perfect for a small business!