1610 6TH Street  Springfield IL 62703

1610 6TH Street Springfield, IL 62703

For Rent
1610 6TH Street
Springfield, IL 62703
Price: $10 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Agent: Todd Smith
Agent Phone: 217-553-5439
Agent Email: todd@tpsmithre.com
Broker: Todd P Smith Real Estate
Broker Phone: 217-441-8000
Broker Email: todd@tpsmithre.com

Grab-a-Java (1/2 block South) any time you want when you work at this beautiful, well maintained all-brick office building with +/-3,600sf on main floor and +/-1,800sf in lower level. Main floor has several private offices, conf rooms, file rooms and a break room. Lower level has usable finished areas with one unfinished storage room. The building has an ADA ramp and rest rooms. The site has 15 parking places (+1 h/c). This is a wonderful central location on a major thoroughfare and nearby businesses include Hanson Professional Services, Evan-Lloyd Architects, Bailey Family Insurance, McDonald’s, Walgreens, Moto Mart Gas/c-store, and Grab-a-Java, along with many others. Monument sign in front yard is visible to 14,600 cars per day.