210 MAUVAISTERRE Street  Jacksonville IL 62650

210 MAUVAISTERRE Street Jacksonville, IL 62650

For Sale
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Price: $52,900
Type: Commercial Sale Commercial
Agent: Dianne Steinberg
Agent Phone: 217-473-2040
Agent Email: hills@jlnc.net
Broker: Hills, Steve, REALTORS
Broker Phone: 217-245-9589
Broker Email: hills@jlnc.net

Step from the square, private & public parking available, FIRST time on the market since 1968, a continually operated business, ready for a new owner. This truly unique space has 2 separate store fronts, (use one – rent one) or use the entire space. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Plus – there are 2 one bedroom apartments on the second floor – (they have not been occupied in years) but the space is there. The entrance to the apartments is between the two store fronts. Yes, there is work to be done but at this price it could well be worth it. $52,900. BEING “SOLD AS IS”. Please see attached comment sheet for extra information.