
2345 Blairs Ferry Rd NE B & C Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

For Rent
2345 Blairs Ferry Rd NE B & C
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Type: Commercial Sale Commercial
Sqft: 8400
Agent: Adam Gibbs
Agent Phone: 319-721-1520
Agent Email:
Broker: GLD Commercial Real Estate Advisors
Broker Phone: 319-731-3410
Broker Email:

NE flex space available for lease. Suite C includes approx 1800 SF that is comprised of 3 private offices, 1 conference room, a break room, open work space, and two private restrooms. The remaining space is approx 4200 SF of warehouse space with 1 dock door. Suite B is made up of 2,400 SF of office/showroom space and includes 1 overhead door. Suites B & C could also be combined with Suite A to total 10,800 SF. Large pylon sign along I-380 and monument sign on Blairs Ferry Rd available at an additional cost.