
250 12th Ave Ste 150, Office P Coralville, IA 52241

For Rent
250 12th Ave Ste 150, Office P
Coralville, IA 52241
Type: Office
Sqft: 100
Agent: Tina Frantz
Agent Phone: 319-621-2180
Agent Email:
Broker: Ambrose & Associates, REALTORS
Broker Phone: 319-354-8118
Broker Email:

Office Share/Individual interior office (with single sink) in the office of Ambrose & Associates Realtors. Suite includes all utilities and internet. Conference room, breakroom and full refrigerator. Ample parking. Tenant will have 24/7 access with keyless entry. Owner is a Licensed Broker in the State of Iowa. SQFT is approximate.