3000 Professional Drive Ste B Springfield IL 62703

3000 Professional Drive Ste B Springfield, IL 62703

For Rent
3000 Professional Drive Ste B
Springfield, IL 62703
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Agent: Todd Smith
Agent Phone: 217-553-5439
Agent Email: todd@tpsmithre.com
Broker: Todd P Smith Real Estate
Broker Phone: 217-441-8000
Broker Email: todd@tpsmithre.com

You will be proud to have your clients and customers visit your office at 3000 Professional Drive. This is a wonderful building with lots of curb appeal in an excellent location. The available lower level Suite B is 2 private offices and an open office space. The building has historically remained fully leased, so this is a rare opportunity to lease an office in this beautifully maintained property. Amenities in the building include a large shared break room with a full kitchen, conference/training rooms for daily rental, elevator, and shower/locker facilities to name a few. The Park South commercial development is well located with quick access to I-55/I-72, Downtown Springfield, and all other areas of Springfield, IL. You must check out this comfortable professional office building.