3057 WABASH Avenue  Springfield IL 62702

3057 WABASH Avenue Springfield, IL 62702

For Rent
3057 WABASH Avenue
Springfield, IL 62702
Price: $9 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Agent: Todd Smith
Agent Phone: 217-553-5439
Agent Email: todd@tpsmithre.com
Broker: Todd P Smith Real Estate
Broker Phone: 217-441-8000
Broker Email: todd@tpsmithre.com

HIGH PROFILE RETAIL SITE – Wabash Ave Frontage Location, location, location! Existing retail space with adjacent land for potential expansion .25 miles west of White Oaks Mall Large resurfaced asphalt parking lot with over 300 spaces High ceilings & recessed loading dock. ADT on Wabash 15,200