
319 Van Buren St Iowa City, IA 52245

For Sale
319 Van Buren St
Iowa City, IA 52245
Price: $199,800
Type: Commercial Sale Commercial
Lot Size: Less Than .5 Acre
Agent: Jeff Edberg
Agent Phone: 319-331-6187
Agent Email:
Broker: Lepic-Kroeger, REALTORS
Broker Phone: 319-351-8811
Broker Email:

This is an RNS-12 building lot on North Van Buren that would accept either a single family home, or a duplex. Much of the land in this area is in a historic or conservation trust, but this site is not. It is located just 1/2 block north of Mercy Hospital. The lot is 35 x 80 right on the corner of Van Buren and a paved alley between Bloomington and Davenport.