321 1/2 6TH Street West Suite Springfield IL 62701

321 1/2 6TH Street West Suite Springfield, IL 62701

For Rent
321 1/2 6TH Street West Suite
Springfield, IL 62701
Price: $9 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Agent: Todd Smith
Agent Phone: 217-553-5439
Agent Email: todd@tpsmithre.com
Broker: Todd P Smith Real Estate
Broker Phone: 217-441-8000
Broker Email: todd@tpsmithre.com

Just steps from the Capitol Complex, the Leland Building Annex offers charm and convenience. This second floor office suite boasts wide hallways, beautiful woodwork and large windows. Suite is accessed via stairway. The 2400sf west suite includes a large conference room and 6 nicely sized private offices, a break room and restrooms. May be combined with the 1380sf suite to the east, for a total of approx 3780sf. Tenant is responsible for utilities and internal janitorial. Individual offices are also available on a monthly gross basis.