3260 RIDGE Point  Bettendorf IA 52722

3260 RIDGE Point Bettendorf, IA 52722

For Rent
3260 RIDGE Point
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Price: $17 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Lot Size (Acres): 0.76
Agent: John Ruhl
Agent Phone: 563-355-4000
Agent Email: jruhl@ruhlcommercial.com
Broker: NAI Ruhl Commercial Company
Broker Phone: 563-355-4000

Prime retail or office location. Former Anytime Fitness location with 4,250 SF of available space which can be subdivided to as little as 1,600 SF. Surrounded by high end demographics with a total population of over 122,000 within a 5 mile radius. Ample front door parking with a strong co-tenant mix including Mathnasium and Athletico Physical Therapy. Located off highly traveled middle road (Over 12, 800 vehicles per day) Within access to Hy-Vee, Fareway Grocery, and newly built Aldi’s. Neighboring tenants include Lindquist Ford, Duck Creek Tire, Atomic Coffee, and Vibrant Credit Union.