
3750 Liberty Dr Iowa City, IA 52240

For Rent
3750 Liberty Dr
Iowa City, IA 52240
Price: $1,195,000
Type: Industrial
Sqft: 9950
Agent: Peggy Slaughter
Agent Phone: 319-594-0617
Agent Email:
Broker: Urban Acres Real Estate
Broker Phone: 800-746-9464
Broker Email:

This is a top of the line Butler Building. Entire building and extra lot is for SALE. Call Agent Only. This showing takes 48 hour notice. The the building offers a dock, 14′ overhead doors and a walk-in doors. 20 ft ceiling ht. Radiant heat, restrooms, reinforced 8″ concrete, 200 AMP electrical panel, ceiling lighting, and exterior lighting. Entire building with dock lane is 70 ft x 160 ft. or 11,200 sq ft