
3925 Fountains Blvd NE 102 Cedar Rapids, IA 52411

For Rent
3925 Fountains Blvd NE 102
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Type: Office
Sqft: 3295
Agent: Craig Byers
Agent Phone: 319-360-7017
Agent Email:
Broker: Q4 Real Estate
Broker Phone: 319-294-3339
Broker Email:

Class A office space is available For Lease in The Fountains 19.3-acre mixed-use work/play development featuring approximately 40,500square feet of retail and 200,000 square feet of office. A wide variety of amenities exist in and nearby the development including fast food, casual and sit-down restaurants, spas, salons, fitness studios, business offices, and Hy-Vee Grocery Store. Base rate subject to annual increases.