
520 10th Ave Coralville, IA 52241

For Rent
520 10th Ave
Coralville, IA 52241
Type: Office
Sqft: 24701
Agent: Teresa Morrow
Agent Phone: 319-530-6235
Agent Email:
Broker: Blank & McCune, The Real Estate Company
Broker Phone: 319-354-9440
Broker Email:

Centrally located in Coralville, this medical office is ready to occupy. Each floor consists of approximately 8,000 square feet of Class A space with medical improvements. Each floor with central waiting room and administrative space plus separate pods that can be well utilized by separate practitioners. Entire building can be leased as a whole, by floor or by a portion of each floor for demised space as small as 4,000 square feet. Tastefully decorated interior with elevator and all brick exterior. All within a quiet and impeccably maintained office center. Abundant parking with convenient access to the University of Iowa and the University of Iowa Clinics. High traffic and easily accessible.