7217 NORTHWEST Boulevard 4B Davenport IA 52806

7217 NORTHWEST Boulevard 4B Davenport, IA 52806

For Rent
7217 NORTHWEST Boulevard 4B
Davenport, IA 52806
Price: $8 per sq/ft
Type: Commercial Lease Commercial
Lot Size (Acres): 1.84
Agent: Shawn Langan
Agent Phone: 563-355-4000
Agent Email: slangan@ruhlcommercial.com
Broker: NAI Ruhl Commercial Company
Broker Phone: 563-355-4000

Approximate 1,500 SF contractor suite. Strategically situated in the west Davenport industrial area, offering easy access to major transportation routes such as I-80 and US-6. Unit has floor drain, 200A Panel, utility sink, 14×12 overhead door, and heat in the warehouse. Prime location offers excellent connectivity and accessibility to both local and national markets.