RR 345th Street Street  Pleasant Hill IL 62366

RR 345th Street Street Pleasant Hill, IL 62366

RR 345th Street Street
Pleasant Hill, IL 62366
Price: $530,604
Type: Land Recreational
Lot Size (Acres): 78
Agent: Toby Stay
Agent Phone: 217-257-6096
Agent Email: Toby@LandGuys.com
Broker: LandGuys, LLC of Illinois
Broker Phone: 217-899-1240
Broker Email: scott@landguys.net

This 78 acres in Pike County, IL has a near perfect mix of timber and tillable. The secluded coves of the tillable fields make for great areas to leave standing crops as food plots. The timber on this farm has had a select harvest done and will regenerate this spring with lots of new vegetation and thick understory creating food and cover for the deer. There are multiple access points off the gravel road as well as internal roads throughout the property. The deer numbers and quality of the bucks on this farm are impressive. There are several potential cabin sites with utilities present. A beautiful rock bottom creek flows along the northern boundary. Located on a very low traffic gravel road, this property has a very secluded feel.